About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I have BIG news. I'm talking the biggest news I've ever had.

We're going to be proud parents!!!

Of a puppy. But not just any puppy. An English Bulldog puppy.

I'd like to introduce you to Brooks. Blog readers, Brooks. Brooks, your audience.

Just kidding. Kate got this little stuffed pup for Brooks to play with. So we had to try her harness and leash on someone. Looks good, huh?

Here's Brooks for real though!

How sweet is our little angel? She's only 1 day old in this pic, and I think she's adorable. But she'll get wayyyyyy cuter.

Her name comes from the name of the only running shoe I have faithfully trusted for 10 years. So it just makes sense. When we thought of it, I knew it was just perfect!

Brooks is my anniversary gift from Casey. I know, I know. Our anniversary is not until May, but you can't just pick when you want your little girl to be born. Am I right or am I right? So we get our little angel early. Lucky me! Lucky us!

Casey: When we get Brooks, if I get home from work first, are you gonna come in the house and go hug and kiss Brooks first?
Me: (diverting my eyes)...Well, no?
Katie: Yes, she is.

She was born just 5 days ago. I think she's just beautiful. We went to go see her this morning. It was the best ever. I cannot even portray my excitement over here. You have absolutely no idea.

Dad: Your Valentines baby.
Me: (squeal) I KNOW!

We have everything for our newest addition, with the exception of me needing to finish putting together her first aid kit. Yes, I'm serious beyond serious.

Kate: Are you going to have a bag for her first aid stuff? Or a box?
Me: Oh, I have a bag for everything already. 
Kate: Are you going to make Casey carry the bag with him anytime he takes her somewhere?
Me: Yes. Everywhere Brooks goes the first aid kit goes.

I'm so worried about my little girl's safety, and we haven't even brought her home yet. Will it be worse when we have a human child? That sounds so creepy. At least we have an excellent vet picked out. It's less than 2 miles from the house. Is it weird that when I called all the vets to ask questions, I was secretly rating them on their friendliness to see if they would treat Brooks as she should be treated? First impressions are everything.

Me: OH!!! Did Brooks get her license in the mail??
Casey: Her license? Is she driving now?...but yes, her ID came.

Here's her cute little tag (obviously you can't read it, but hopefully if someone finds her they'll have a magnifying glass with them...but then again we'll never let her cross the street by herself):

We get to bring her home in April, so now we just have to finish puppy-proofing the house. You know, like get rid of the grapes and chocolate...

Me: Are you excited to be a grandma again?!
Mom: Yes! Are you going to be able to sleep until Saturday? (in anticipation of seeing her for the first time)
Me: NO! I'm not going to be able to sleep until April.
Mom: You're going to be really sleepy.

Katie is such a great aunt already. For all of Dawn's kids, when they were born, she bought them each blankets with their names embroidered. So she totally surprised me with a blanket for Brooks. Her very own blanket to burrow into!!! With her name embroidered in purple. It is so soft and sophisticated...just like Brooks. I think Kate is pretty stoked about her newest niece. But who wouldn't be?

Here's a glimpse of her precious little blanket:

Ya'll never saw her bowls when they arrived from wag.com either, did you? They're adorable. Simple, but adorable:

We also bought this Friday at Costco:

I told Casey way back when that whenever we get a puppy we will have to buy a video camera. So here we  are. With a video camera. It's waterproof and shockproof. You never know what we'll get into.

She's going to be so spoiled. So spoiled that we all now call the guest room Brooks' room.

Ya'll might think I'm crazy with all this stuff, but I'm not. I love animals. I love puppies. And I especially love bulldogs, so this is so fantastic to me that we're going to have our very own!

Casey is the best husband in THE. WHOLE. WIDE. WORLD. He's so selfless, so kind, so generous, so perfect.

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