About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Life As A Mom

I know some of you may scoff at this. My life as a mom. To these two angels.

They light up my life. Their kisses and wagging tooshies and tails when I come home and in the morning. Their sleep little grunts and sighs and snores. Their playful spirits. Their big, beautiful eyes. Their quick, short little legs. Their snuggles and teeny little barks. Their chops full of water stored up for later. Their curiosity and love of the outdoors. Their sweet little spirits. Their full tummies begging for a tummy rub and their soft wet little noses looking for eskimo kisses.

Our little girls bring me so much joy. We have so many pictures, I don't even know which ones to post! I am THAT mom. The one that has a billion pictures because they are my first children.

Anyways, mom's are supposed to have that mom-instinct, right? The one that wakes them at night out of a deep sleep? Not me. I feel horrible! Thankfully, Casey wakes up to their quiet little whimpers and he wakes me up, so we can both sleep-walk-a-pup-to-the-door to take them out. They've done awesome. They have not wet their bed at night at all, but they do wake up 1 or 2 times a night to go out.

So Casey will be in Raleigh tonight to play some hockey with the fellas. That means I am in charge. I am supposed to have this mom intuition and wake up at exactly the right time that they do. I am SO WORRIED! Sounds silly, but I don't want them distressed or sleeping in pee because I can't seem to hear things in my sleep (is this condition abnormal?). Since I sleep like a rock, I have determined to set my alarm for 2 am and 5 am (their usual) to take them out. Is this good mothering? I don't know. I also kinda, deep down don't want a mess to clean up in the morning. Sigh. Normally, sleeping through floods, tornados, and blazing fires would be a good thing (or not?), but not when my pups need me!

I don't want to wake my sleeping beauties! I could also risk that this be the first night that they actually sleep the entire night? That's reasonable for 10 and 12 weeks old. No?

They love sleeping tummy up. We love it too. Cause it's SO. DARN. CUTE.

On a side note: Casey and I got the fence up in our backyard. So now they can frolic like nobody's business.

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