About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekend! (what-what)

This weekend was so nice. We had a long weekend. I love those. It means the work week is shorter. And of course, I get to spend more time with my Casey.

So on Friday, I just have to tell you, Casey came home and legit looked like a school boy. Not even kidding. I called Kate to hurry and look and she totally agreed. I WISH I had a picture. He comes in the door with his ball cap on (Atlanta Braves of course), his school bag on, his lunch box in hand, and a set of building plans all rolled up and tucked under his arm like he just got his school project back from the teacher. It was so funny. A picture would do the scene much more justice. He's cute.

The whole weekend flew by, but it was fun. We got to relax and get stuff done and do handstands together. I think we bust out some handstands everywhere we go. At the gym. At his parents house. I've done them in my office before. At my parents house. At yoga (of course). And in our kitchen. We are kind of addicted. I told Casey that by the time he comes home from Alabama, I'm going to be able to do all of the following: walk on my hands, handstand push ups, and one arm hand stands. Don't worry about logistics. I'll get it done.

We went to Lowes yesterday. It's still kind of surreal buying stuff to do maintenance on a house. A real house. Our house. We got grout sealer and wood floor polish and stuff to seal the granite counter tops (to protect from water and what not...I don't know. I'm glad Casey knows about this stuff). We also got some pansies, and I got my very first pair of gardening gloves. I feel like such a mom or housewife. But for real, our front door will look pretty once they get in the ground. Totally left Lowes and realized that I don't even have a baby plant shovel to plant them. Sigh. I'll try to get them in the ground this coming weekend instead. Mom said I can just use my hands, but when the dirt gets under your nails, I think it's hard to get it out. That's my excuse anyways (even though I have the new gloves and my fingers would be protected...don't ask questions). I think the real reason I want a little shovel is cause then I'll feel like the ladies in the movies who sit on their little gardening mat by their flower beds with a hat, gloves, and shovel and work in their yard. Actually, the real reason is probably cause I'm afraid there will be bugs in the soil. That makes me nervous.

I'm really not a diva. Promise. I can hike trails and go camping for days and run in the woods and get dirty, but I will always hate bugs. They scare the bejeezes out of me.

I'll put up a picture when the planting is done. The pansies are purple What I really want is an herb garden. And some tomatoes and what not. My grocery bill would plummet if we had a flourishing garden. No joke. We'll need a bigger yard first.

These are all the things we did this weekend:
Yoga, did handstands, did laundry, cooked dinner, watched tv, went to workout, went to Target, went to church, watched the Broncos game, went to sleep, drank coffee x 2, cleaned the house, went to do a circuit at Mom and Dad's, did handstands, biked, showered, drank coffee, went to Casey's parent's house, did handstands, hung out, went to sleep, drank coffee x 2 again, cleaned the rest of the house, went to Lowes, Bed Bath and Beyond, Old Navy, World Market, and Harris Teeter, Casey worked (on those building plans he brought home) while I went to the gym again, did more handstands, cooked dinner, watched Kim and Kourtney in New York, went to sleep, and now the work week resumes. Yay.

I'm tired just thinking about it all!  I think there should've been more coffee in that list.

There was some monkey business in there. I promised myself that I was going to do something special for Casey everyday this week since he's leaving for 6 weeks on Saturday. TMI? Whatevs. We're married. We're still considered newlyweds, right? I have to give him a proper goodbye, right? Right? Besides, I'm not sure how many people actually read my blog anyways.

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