This book is so, so fascinating. I started reading it (on my Nook--what what!) while I was running (on the treadmill, not outside) today. I started it on the treadmill and finished there. I may have run an unexpected 14 miles, but I could NOT stop reading the book.
You can see it here:
Well, you can see it lots of places, but this is the website that has been created for the book.
It brings so many amazing aspects to the reality of heaven. I mean, I love the precious demeaner of a 4 year old and how he described Jesus' eyes as so pretty and when he talked about Jesus' markers. His markers are the scars on his palms and feet...and how the only earthly features people will have in heaven are the scars belonging to Jesus because we have new bodies, but His scars are so important that they remain. I love how his great-grandfather, who he never met, recognized him and how his miscarried older sister recognized him. This thrills me because that means I will get to meet my oldest-oldest sister, and that she will recognize me and that she will run to mom and dad and they'll get to love on her too. Forever. I mean, you hear alot of these things, but now its almost more real. I love his child-like but intense faith. And I love the miracle behind the story in every way.
I also am amazed at the simplest, yet most real, explanation of salvation I have ever heard (or read). When Colton was in heaven, this is the explanation he received: Jesus died on the cross so that we could come to heaven and hang out with his dad--God.
If you do nothing else in the next month, you have to read this book. Must-read to the max. And my favorite part of all is that in the epilogue when Colton told his dad that there were animals in heaven. Dogs and lions and all kinds. I'm more than certain that Mugzi and Pumpkin and Patch will be there to play. Cause God loves me like craz-ay.
And check out this article that was in the New York Times: Article Here!
I just read this on Friday! Such a great story!