1) Casey and I went to our very first yoga class. Together! On Tuesday. Vinyasa yoga. If you do not know what this is: Vinyasa is a term that covers a broad range of yoga classes. The word Vinyasa means “breath-synchronized movement.” In other words, the teacher will instruct you to move from one pose to the next on an inhale or an exhale. This technique is sometimes also called Vinyasa Flow, or just Flow because of the smooth way that the poses run together and become like a dance. It was so cool and empowering. It'll be our Tuesday night date.
I was impressed by how well we both did considering it was our first class, but I think with staying focused on the movements and utilizing our strength base, it was totes (another abbreviation Katie and I are trying out...for totally...I think it's catching on) awesome. We didn't feel clumsy or out-of-place which kinda surprised me, but we still have lots of practicing to do. We can catch on and keep up, but we are not nearly noodly enough to do all the fancy poses. And we have to concentrate alot because we don't know the poses yet. And two thumbs up to instructor Anje. She was great. Go to the Siskey Y for her yoga classes. You will not regret it. But don't go to our Tuesday night class because it was pretty full, and we don't want to be booted. Just sayin.
This is what we looked like:

Next on our list is hot yoga, but considering we were sweating in a normal temp class, I'm kind of worried that my hand will slip on the mat during a pose because of the sweat and I'll break something...or that I'll pass out from heat exhausting. Is that overly dramatic? We'll see. I even find myself practicing yoga poses at home now. So fun!
I think Casey should wear yoga pants and a tight tank top and a sweatband to the next class. I feel like that's very yoga. I should wear my chacos. And we should invest in mats and the cool carrying cases. I'm so into this now.
2) A self-discovery. Of awesome honey crisp apples are. (Casey keeps calling them honey nut apples. He cracks me up.) Seriously, I've never had them until this week. They are AMAZE. But so expensive. We picked out 5 apples. FIVE! The cost? Just under $10. I decided we officially need to become Johnny Appleseeds and plant some trees out back. Casey and I both have been eating one everyday. Go apples! For a while, I was nearly sold on substituting my love for apples with bananas because I had not had ANY good ones in too long and was getting frustrated with the poor selection...until this week. However, the price of bananas is still way better. I feel like I could buy a whole bushel for the cost of 5 honey crisp. But I'm telling you, especially if you've never tasted, that they are delicious. And they are on sale at Lowe's foods right now.
And I just found out the apple has its own website. Ballllin.

3) I learned that my phone from 1982 will not cut it much longer. It's struggling with memory loss. T9 is failing me and spitting out crazy combinations of letters. And sometimes I push letters and they do not show up on the screen. All systems failing. This worries me because I pride myself on not having a smart phone. But, I feel like that's all that's available these days. And the monthly cost is absurd! Sigh. We'll see. This time next month, I may be singing a different tune. I'm strongly against advanced technology. I guess this is strange considering I'm in the science research field, but still. My thinking is this: the more complicated and intense something is, the more there is to malfunction or the higher the likelihood that some part of it will fail or break. Unfortunately, my simplistic 80's phone (it's really from early 2000, but still) has simply had all it can take. We've had a good run.
This is my phone (I bet you forgot phones like this ever existed):
4) Nooks are awesome. I borrowed my dad's last week. So I learned this last week truthfully, but I'm still including it. I feel so technologically savvy. I know it seems contradictory to my last post. But it's really not. We're talking apples and oranges here. So many books in one handheld device. It's fantastic. There's something about actually holding a book and having some books on the shelf, but for alot of books that people buy and then don't know what to do with--a Nook is great. You don't have to store anything! I know I already mentioned Casey loves his too. But I feel like everyone that reads alot has one now. That or a Kindle anyways, so when I read the Nook in public, I feel like people are thinking "that's a true book-lover right there." Dumb? Perhaps. I just can't help the way it makes me feel. If you are interested, go www.barnesandnoble.com and view the picture here:
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