About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A few randoms...

I'm a random person, so this post is kinda similar to what goes on in my head...random thoughts. The kind of random that makes total sense in your head. The train of thought is very clear, but you forget to actually verbalize everything, so the one sentence that pops out is, voila, random!

Well, here are a couple things:

1. I'm so so so proud of my two oldest nephews. I'm proud of all 37 (or 6) of my nephews and nieces, but parent-teacher conferences went down this week for the two oldest (1st and 2nd grade. Hollllaa.) They are getting SO big. Declan (2nd grade, 7 years) is probably the smartest person I know. Seriously. He knows more than I do. It's quite amazing. Well his teacher said that he is the smartest second grader she has ever taught! I'm thoroughly impressed. And proud. To the bone. Keller (1st grade, 6 years) apparently moves alot. Ha ha. He's an antsy guy, but his teacher said also that she doesn't have any students that can complete the level of puzzles he can solve and put together. His mind is so creative, and it truly is amazing the way he can do this stuff so quickly and flawlessly. Keller totally dominates any adult he challenges in memory. And I'd like to emphasize that all of us actually try; we do NOT just "let" him win. It's quite amazing how the mind of a child works. I love them.

2. Steve Jobs. Why does everyone's FB post say "oh, Steve Jobs, you are my hero...you are my inspiration, my dream...You've shaped the way I live my life..." blah, blah, blah.
Let me get this straight, he was a brilliant man, and he has advanced the era of technology, but seriously, people? I'm talking FB statuses that elevate and worship Steve like everyone should be worshipping our God. Steve was a human. He was good with computers and technology. He was very very smart. He was creative. I do not doubt any of these things, and it's sad that he had to pass from such a terrible disease. I also think it's sad that he is so worshipped in the way that he is, when our focus should be elsewhere. A God who is way smarter, way more creative, way more everything than Steve was...He created Steve. Just saying. I think it's kinda ridiculous.

3. That being said. Shout out to Jobs for Pixar. For selling it to Disney. For creating Toy Story, the first completely computer generated animated film. Shout out because nephew number 3 is the biggest Buzz fan I know. McCrea (preschool, 3 years) is one of the most precious little boys. I think if he had the opportunity to be Buzz, he would take it. So thank you, Steve Jobs.

I went to Off-Broadway with mom and Katie the other day. I found this shoe that I'm in love with. Is that terrible? It was the most awesome strappy casual but fancy-pants and hot sandal heel. It came in four (I repeat, FOUR) different color combos. I want them all. I could wear them with EVERYTHING! No seriously. I keep thinking about them. I may go back to look at them. Just look, I promise. Maybe.
I wish I could wear more heels to work. I'd rock them out like they were going out of style.

5. My New Year's resolution (or September-resolution...either/or) for large amounts of water consumption is still going well. I really do feel like a new person. Yay for water. And the constant availability of clean drinking water. I really am thankful for that.

6. I love Casey. He had a hockey game Wednesday night. And those things are so late, so I was asleep when he got home. So yesterday morning he says "I scored two goals." So I said, "oh, so you won!" And he said, "No, we didn't win. I don't care though. I scored two goals. My first one was awesome. I picked the corner. And it went there."
He's so funny. I think you had to be there. To hear the way he tells his stories and see his expressions. He makes me laugh at least a million times a day. Seriously, I was telling my mom a story the other day, and all she could say was "CASEY IS SO FUNNY" and she meant it. He keeps me and Kate laughing all the time.

7. IV catheters are no joke. Do not mess with them. I'm participating in a study at work about the bioavailability of a product in two forms (beverage v chew). We have blood drawn 6 or 7 times, so we get a catheter put in. I can go about my work in the in between time of each draw. It's really so easy. Well, yesterday, I got thrombophlebitis. It hurt like a mother. I hope I survive this. All in the name of research...

8. I've come to the conclusion, after some personal research over the last months, that all the d-bag drivers in the early morning hours (I'm talking 5:30-6 am) on 485 and 85 are drivers of trucks. Not tractor trailers, but pick-up trucks. So rude. They always tail me (and I'm going fast!) and swerve around me hugging my tires and sides. It's scary. This also alarms me because Casey drives a truck. I don't think he does that stuff to people. Cause it's rude, and he's not.

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