About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Forgotten Socks and Thoughts on Insurance Companies

So it's been a very very long week. Actually, it's been a long month. Work has been super busy. I've been a little out of it, and I know I've been MIA in the blog world. I've been so out of it, in fact, that I forgot to pack my socks for a run after work twice. TWICE. And I forgot to pack a sports bra once. I can't remember the last time that's happened and now I've managed it three times this week. Ridiculous.

Sigh. And you know when you're just exhausted, it's every little thing that makes you even more tired. Like insurance. I hate insurance. I mean, if you're accident prone, you NEED decent insurance. Yay for coverage being completely paid by ASU, but booooo for all the NC State Health Plan changes. I swear Blue Cross Blue Shields increases co-pays and decreases percentages of what they'll cover every month. I get a letter from BCBS approximately once a month. With a new insurance card inside. With higher co-pays. They probably could save all that money that they use to mail out and create new cards for every customer and use it instead to keep our co-pays the same. No?

I mean, in the last two months, I've been to the ER once, urgent care 1.5 times, and have another eye appointment (hopefully not two) next week. None of these places are cheap. Like I said...accident prone, and I have the scars (unfortunately) to prove it. I have periods of calm mixed with periods of everything-possible-under-the-sun happening to me. This is one of those what-else-could-go-wrong periods.

Hopefully my eye gets fixed.

But really the thing about insurance that kinda threw me over the edge was when I went to pick up my prescription at CVS...standard pick-up. Not only do they try to give me the generic, but for these little pink pills my body does not do generic. It really doesn't even do any other name brand. The prescription I've been given has been given to me for a reason. Shocker.

This happened last month too. What kind of people do they have working here?

So I say no way and demand the real thing. They politely tell me that insurance may decide to stop paying any part of this $90 birth control pill because I won't use the generic. Seriously? Can they do that? So I tell them they have to switch it out. I had to throw some bows, but everyone survived, AND I left with the proper prescription. Hmmph.

Of course, yes, the cost went up from last month too.

Everything about this annoys me. So I marched right home and announced to Casey that we may as well just stop buying the BC to prove a point. Let's just have a baby! He kinda looks at me with a blank stare. Then he laughs. Cause boycotting these costly pills would be WAY cheaper than a baby...

I know, I know. I came back to reality. But I'm just saying. Don't be surprised if there's a baby soon. What now, Blue Cross Blue Shield? How about you pay some expensive hospital bills? I think that would totally teach them a lesson.

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