About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Neighbors!

So, we got an email from Jennifer the other day (she was the new home consultant who sold us our home) asking about our choice for TV. Time Warner Cable or Direct TV satellite because Leigh Ann is moving into the house down the street. (I don't even want to get into the 2 week long fiasco with TWC...we are now with Direct TV which was a good choice minus the fact that we lose satellite during thunderstorms...it's still waaaay more reliable than TWC. But that's a whole other can of worms.)

Who is Leigh Ann, number 1? Should we know her? And where are Stacie and Dave, number 2? Stacie and Dave Anderson that is.

I'm kind of upset, we don't have new next door neighbors. Not just any next door neighbors, but ones we like. First, I tried to get Ashley to move in next door, but that was a no go (ahem) and then Stacie promised me her and Dave bought the town house next door to us.

Of course, I hired a Demo crew to come in and take out the dividing wall so we could have one big house, and July 29 has come and gone (Stacie and Dave's supposed move-in date) and we still have no neighbors. Come to find out they actually moved in to a townhouse in Pennsylvania. SO not-next-door. That's like 8 hours away not-next-door.

So this morning Casey and I walk to our cars to leave for work, and what do we see on the for sale sign in the yard right next to us?? "Purchased." Seriously? WHO could possibly be moving in next door? I mean, I for one, just assumed we'd have vacant lots on both sides of us forever...more space for us. Is that really too much to ask?

Jennifer did not tell us about this purchase, and if I'm not wrong, this is way more important (an actual next-door neighbor) than Leigh Anne moving in down the street. By the way, we still have no idea who Leigh Anne is or if I'm even spelling her name correctly.

Now we really are getting neighbors, but I'm a little scared. What if we don't like them? Jk. I'm sure we'll get along just fine. We may not be besties, but Casey and I are very nice people. How could they not want to be friends with us? The down side is now we have one less parking spot out front to fight for and we can't walk through the yard next door anymore.

So I guess it's kinda fun (neighbors!), but I'm kinda bummed at the same time. I have so many questions. Do they have a puppy I can play with? Are they old or young? Are they loud? Are they crazy? Are they mysterious (like mom and dad's creepy next door neighbors)? Are we going to be friends? Are they going to be mad if one of our cars accidentally ends up a smidge in front of their house or would they just say whatev? Are we going to be able to have dance parties together? Are we going to be able to invite them to our Christmas party? Can we watch a movie together or grill out? Are "they" even a they, or a he or a she?

Let me explain...any apartment I've ever lived in, I've never really known my neighbors. They were either way older or way younger or spoke a different language or kept to themselves cause they worked alot or SOMEthing. So now I have to figure out how to be neighborly. Do I bake them cookies and say welcome? Do we invite them over for dinner? What in the world! What if I mess up? Clearly I've never done this whole neighbor-business before. It seems so much more important now that we actually live here. I mean we PURCHASED. We have a mortgage. There's a sort of permanence to that, and I feel so much more neighbor-pressure!

For this reason, if anyone feels the desire to give any good-neighbor advice, it would be much appreciated and considered in planning the first interaction with them (what don't you get about the fact that I'm a planner? even when I'm fully aware you can't plan alot of things...it makes me feel better, like in this specific scenario that I've mapped out I know exactly what I would do because I've thought about it).

(On a side note: Stacie, if you and Dave had just moved to Charlotte, I wouldn't be flipping out so much cause I know we like you and you like us and you're nice. I miss you.)

(On another side note: I exaggerate my "need" to plan...I can totally roll with the punches...my exaggeration portrays how much I like to plan. Trust me. I'm a fun person.)


  1. I probably shouldn't give any neighborly advice because of the little neighbor situation I'm about to tell you. There's this one guy that lives in my building, and I smile and say hi every time I pass him, and he just looks at me and keeps walking. Seriously, every time. Just looks straight at me and doesn't say anything much less crack a smile, nod his head, or give any other indication he sees me other than a stare. It just makes me want to smile bigger and say hello just so my friendliness annoys him even more.

  2. Ashley, you're scaring me!!

    (p.s. I'm glad you comment on my blogs. It makes me happy.)
