About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fast. Food. (whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!)

I HATE fast food. I really think it's disgusting and don't even notice the signs on the highway or as I'm driving through town. But that's old-school kinda fast food, and it doesn't always have to mean roller-skating burger joints or grease pits. There's a new fast food in town

So, I've decided to list my top 5 fast food choices, because props to more health-nut options popping up. I'm highly impressed. And for any fast food place to impress me is a pretty big deal. Not gonna lie.

So, the list (take note--another list) should be pretty important-o considering I'm a VERY picky eater. If I'm in a group of people and no one truly cares what they eat, all eyes fall to me. I have no idea why. I mean, it's not like I'll sit at a restaurant with people and just not eat cause I can't pick one thing out of an entire, fully-stocked menu. I would never...

Here we go:

1. McDonald's, I've been strangely impressed by your efforts lately. The other morning, on the way to Atlanta, this is where we stopped. I mean, I've been seeing these ads everywhere for the new fruit smoothie. Oooh. Aaah. And it's like 122 degrees outside, and I was sick, so naturally yes, this is the pick of the day. Mango-pineapple. Oh. My. Gracious. Not only do I adore mangoes like they're B Spears, but I love smoothies. This delish treat is excellent option 1 if you're on the road and need a pick-me-up or a meal-to-go. And less than $3.

2. McDonald's (I honestly, in my whole life, never would've dreamed that McD's would show up TWICE--or even once--on my top 5 list, but like I said, impressed), you have the most delicous oatmeal! This time we were on the way back from Atlanta and needed breakfast. And I still didn't feel well, so we're shooting for bland here. Bland but delicous. I have to say, if I can't have Quaker, I will definitely go to McDonald's for some oatmeal. It wasn't sticky, or clumpy, or too sweet, or too plain. It was just right. El perfecto. I feel like Goldilocks. Except I got it right on the first try. And I didn't have two other options.

So under 300 cals with real, live, fresh, juicy apple chunks (LOVE), a few craisins, and a few raisins. AND less than $2. Practically giving it away. Sold yet? Try it and you will be. PROMISE. I don't make promises I can't keep. No one wants to be caught with their pants around their ankles.

3. Starbucks- your toasted turkey, egg white, english muffin thing is yummy. A tad on the pricey side (But who are we kidding, it is Starbucks...franchise my foot. Does not mean lower prices here.), but healthy! And good! You have your protein, you have a slice of cheese, you have toasted thin english muffin with all the nooks and crannies for the cheese to melt into...talk about hitting multiple food groups and indulging my love for melted cheese. Seriously. I love melted cheese. The neat little breakfast sandwich would only be better if it had a farmer's or grandpa's fresh tomato slice on it. Pat on the back, Starbucks.

4. So the first three listed, I've only had each of those once, but you bet your puppy I would have them all again. Not even gonna pretend I wouldn't. So the next thing is Smoothie King. Naturally. So refreshing and perfectly blended. Just can't go wrong. This one really doesn't even need any explanation. Favs are Island Impact, Carribean Way, and Pineapple Pleasure. If you're feeling a little on the risque side, have them throw some strawberries into the Island Impact. Instense goodness. No words. No. Words.

5. And finally, Panera. In the winter, their soups are sooooooo good. And the perfect amount. I really don't feel like you could go wrong with any of their soups, although I have not tried them all. I could be wrong. But it's not likely.
And any other time my never-fail go-to order is the Fuji Apple Chicken Salad with an apple or multi-grain bread on the side. Now I understand that the salad is nearly $8 whole dollars, but it's like a mountain of lettuce. I need hiking poles to get to the other side. But really, split between two meals easily (the bread too!), and then it's cheap. And still so wonderful! It's got the most amaze combo of toppings. Not too much, not too little. Just the way I like it.

Now, I'd like to note that I'm a huge fan of making food at home and saving money, but sometimes you're low on time or haven't been to the grocery store or you're on the road or hangin out with some peeps, and you find yourself looking for a place to eat. So for good fast food, I welcome you to try options 1-5. They have passed the pam test, and that says alot.

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