About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A letter from Brooks and Boone

We have the best day care ever. Grandma and Papa. Papa is so snuggly and cuddly. And he gives THE. BEST. tummy rubs ever. Oh my word. Grandma is the sweetest most loveable grandma. She lets us help her rake leaves and garden with her outside. So much fun.

We LOVE every moment of it.

Papa's house is fabulous. And they have this awesome playground. And awesome toys--jump ropes and rubber chickens and bones and lots of fun obstacle course stuff that we can jump on and squeeze under. And lots of places to hang out. We can get a sun tan, play in the dirt, go down the slide, play hide and seek, run in the woods, poop wherever we want, take afternoon naps outside, and sit on the couch. Oh my gosh. Grandma and Papa have water bowls galore. It's like water everywhere. We love water. AND, get this. They have 3 beds. Holllla. Grandma and Papa are the ish. We've heard mom say that. We don't even know what that means. But they are cool. We heard mom and dad talking about letting us spend the night with them on Sunday. SLUMBER PARTY!

Our Mom and Dad's house and yard is way too small. Psssht. Grow up, mom and dad. And they're always keeping their eyes on us. The only time we can get away and do whatever we want is when we low crawl under their bed. We love playing under their bed. It's getting harder to squeeze under there though. We don't know why they keep lowering their bed; doesn't make one bit of sense to us. Mom and dad do have a pool though, and that's so fun on hot days. There's this long snake-like thing that spits out water. It's the funniest looking thing. We have no clue what it is, but we chase it all around because we like to show it that we're in charge.

Another thing we love is riding in this huge huge thing. It has wheels. It's the craziest thing. Dad always sits in the front seat. Mom sits in the back with us. It's like she thinks we can't take care of ourselves back there. We do like sitting in her lap though. We can see way more. When they don't drive together, we get to sit in the front seat. I (Boone) love love this thing that has slats in it. Air comes out. What! It feels so good though. Like a party in my face. And I (Brooks) love to help drive. I like to sit in Mom or Dad's lap in front of  wheel. Sometimes riding in the car makes us sleepy though. Especially when mom goes fast. She doesn't have to stop in a line of cars at these big bright lights or anything. That only happens when we go to work with her though. We hope we get to go again soon.

One thing we do not like is when mom holds up this fancy thing in front of our faces and just pushes buttons. Sometimes a bright light goes off. That's the worst when we're trying to sleep. She always says, "Oh my gosh, how cute...Casey look at this!" after she pushes the buttons. Who is Casey? Dad always goes over to her when she says that though.

Another great thing about Mom and Dad's house though is that Aunt Katie is always there. It's so fun. One more person to kiss all over and jump on and get excited about. We love people. Sometimes we even see other 4-legged friends walking around. We think they are like us, but they look nothing like us. We are way cuter. That's what Mom and Dad say anyways. They are always telling us how beautiful we are.

This morning Mom and Dad did not take us to day care, instead we got to stay home. Alone! It's so cool when we get to be in charge. Then mom's gonna come home early. We heard her say that last night. We're stoked cause she's been working so much this week. It's even better cause we'll have to pee. When they leave us home alone, Mom turns on this thing that plays music. We have no idea where it's coming from, but we like music. Papa plays it in his gym too. Dad thinks he knows music...well, we have news for him. We know music. When dad leaves, he usually turns on the picture box. It has noise too, but it's usually people talking. Mom and Dad and Aunt Katie sometimes watch pictures on it at night too. Sometimes we hear beeping coming out of it. What kind of pictures are they watching? It's okay though, cause they let us sit on the couch with them when we get tired of playing.

One of our favorite things is boxes. Big, small, square, rectangular, you name it. They are so fun. Sitting in them, on them, beside them. Chewing them up, running with them, and sleeping in them. Boxes are awesome. I hope they aren't expensive...or mom and dad just really love us. Cause we have lots of boxes.

I think they really love us anyways. They are always cuddling with us and kissing us and playing with us and rubbing our tummies and telling us how beautiful we are. Sometimes they even give us peanut butter and put white stuff on our dinner. We don't know what it is, but we keep hearing the words whipped cream or plain yogurt thrown around and then this stuff magically appears on our food. It's amazing. Probably because mom keeps talking about how we don't ever eat enough. Maybe it's cause we want the white stuff...

Well, we have school tonight. So we're gonna get some beauty sleep and show up the other dogs like we did last week. We like school. We learn all kinds of new things AND we get sausage flavor treats. That's what our teacher says they are. We don't know what sausage is, but boy, is it yummy!
We learned to play hide and seek with mom and dad at school. It's so fun. And we are so so good at it.  Mom and dad get so excited when we find them. We're smart though, what else do they expect?

We didn't go see the doctor this week. We wonder why. Everyone there is so in love with us. They all come out to see us and make a big deal over us. We know we're adorable, but come on. I think we need to start wearing sunglasses there so they don't recognize us. Mom and Dad seem to be real proud of it though, so we'll just go with it. There are these cool, fluffy green plants at the doctor. We love to run around and chase each other and jump in them. Mom and Dad and Grandma and Papa need to get some of those.

We don't know when we'll be able to write again. Anytime the machine with the apple on the front is open, mom or dad seems to be using it. Why can't they leave it open when they don't use it? And why do they leave it upstairs sometimes? We've seen them type on it, but they don't know that we know how to use it too.

Well, we're tired and we need to sleep so that when mom gets home we can play outside in sunshine.



  1. Getting to poop in the yard is definitely a plus. The other grandkids have to go in this big white thing. Such a waste of time.
