About Me

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The youngest of three girls, I used to be the littlest lamb. Then I met a boy, fell deep in love, and now I'm a Krasen! But in my heart, I'll forever be my parents' Littlest Lamb too. I'm told I'm over-dramatic, and I prefer to think of it passionate about my feelings, but you know, whichever...I tell myself I love spontaneity, but let's be honest, if I didn't have organization, I would lose it. So I love planned spontaneity (totally not an oxymoron). I love loving. And I love to write. Enjoy the drama (passion), organization, and love as it unfolds in my life...a life that is not my own, but is dedicated to serving my God and my husband. And a life in which I am clothed in grace.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Life has been so busy. Just with everything. I know I've been MIA, but I'm doing my best to get caught back up!

This is what our agenda in the near future is looking like (if anyone cares):

  1. We had an election that turned out terribly bad. But I'm not one to rant and rave about politics, so I'll leave it that. And the fact that God knows exactly what he's doing when He puts people in position of leadership, and really when anything happens the way it does. So I trust in that and only that when I think about our country over the next 4 years.
  2. We had maternity pics done (YAY) which I'll post some of when we get them all back.
  3. We are finishing up the nursery (YAY) which I'll post pics of when it's done done. I can't do a halfway nursery because justice will not be done. Haha.
  4. We had a baby shower (YAY) which I'll post pics of when I get more of them from mom.
  5. We had Thanksgiving and 3 birthdays (yikes, that's alot). Shout out to Kate, Case, and Dad. I love ya'll 3 something ridiculous. 
  6. We're getting our Christmas tree this Friday (YAY), and I'll decorate the house while Casey has guard this weekend. And yes, I'll post pictures.
  7. We got new couches (YAY) because Kate bought a house (YAY) and moved out (BOOOOOOO). I really am so sad. I know it had to happen eventually especially with the baby coming, but it's such a huge change. I cried Sunday night. The first night she wasn't there. Casey gets me, so he knows I love living with him (duh) and the girls (obvi), but there's just something about sisters. Anyways, I'll show you pictures of the new couches when I post Christmas pics. We actually had a minor fiasco with this. We selected couches back in July--yes, JULY--and Casey picked them up Saturday morning. They are awesome and so sophisticated...and so not us or the girls or our lifestyle. So after a tiny breakdown on my part when Rooms To Go said we couldn't exchange them, we finally talked to someone who said we could exchange for anything of equal or greater value. They really get you. Seriously. I'm not the biggest fan of Rooms To Go after all this mess. But we got couches we love. Of course, we are spending more money, which is, frankly, exactly what they want. It's dumb. And why I'm not a huge fan anymore...apart from the interest free financing for 2 years. I know, inside, Casey was shaking his head at me the whole time we were at the store last night picking out the couch and love seat. On the outside, though, he just went along with me. Yes, I took the measuring tape. No, not to make sure the couches fit the room. But, yes, to make sure that the arm rest was low enough that Brooks could comfortably rest her head on it while she sleeps cause it helps her breath better. And I measured the depth of the cushions because Boone is longer than Brooks and tends to not ball up as much. And I measure the height of the couch from the floor to make sure that they could find a "step" between the couch base and the cushion to get their little legs up to get on by themselves. And yes, I measured to make sure they could comfortably jump off. Only secondary to all that was the look, comfort, and our own enjoyment. Just kidding. That was primary. But if the couch didn't work for the girls, it was a deal breaker for me. What we really wanted is an "L" sectional. But that will have to wait until a bigger house and way down the road since we now have new couches downstairs and only a year old set upstairs. The rooms in this house are just too small. And that's fine with me cause it already takes too long to clean. Plus, cozy is better in my book. THAT was our entire couch situation which will hopefully be completely over with by next Thursday when the final exchange of said terrible couch set and perfect couch set takes place.

On another note, I'm 7 months preggo. AHHHHHH. For real cannot believe he'll be here in just two short months...or maybe sooner if all that runs in the family. Dawn was early with all 6 of hers, and mom was early with all 4 of us. Eek. We definitely still have stuff to do, and I know I'll never truly be ready until he arrives. And I know our little world will change big time, but we're so excited. Right now, he's still kicking and moving and flipping like nobody's business. It's quite impressive. It never gets old seeing him do the worm in the my tummy or use me as a punching bag. And I think I actually felt hiccups for the first time last night. I'm not sure cause what does that really feel like when a person inside you has hiccups? Honestly, who can tell that? But it was the first time the "bump, bump, bump" was so rhythmic and perfect. And unless he was choreographing a dance in there, I'm convinced it was hiccups. And Casey got to feel too. I always like when he can experience what's going on with Colton too.

I haven't really had any new recipes worth writing home about. I've been rotating stuff we already know because, like I said, life has just been busy. So you haven't missed any recipe postings. Phew.

I promise I'll be back sooner than next month. Bible. If you watch The Kardashians (should I be embarrassed to admit that? I probably should...), you know what that means.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Progress with the baby!

I'm growing. 27 weeks--OMG. And quickly approaching the 3rd trimester. Yikes. Casey informed last night that we have exactly 92 days left. I better get this show on the road. We have our hospital tour scheduled for Tuesday night. As if I don't know what a maternity center in a hospital looks like, right? (Sister with 6 kids...) But I suppose I've never been with the perspective that I will be having a baby in there.

Actually here's a pic from last week! (Boone was posing too...Not fair cause she's so slim and trim in this pic)

Also, newsflash! My hair isn't this long anymore. I just got it cut.

So hopefully there will be more frequent and cuter bump pics now that my hair doesn't look like a bird's nest.

How far along: 27 weeks
Weight: +16 pounds (ew)
Cravings: Not really anything. Grape G2. Thirsty! Oh and a warm chocolate chip cookie with ice cream.
What I miss: Running without peeing and aching.
What I'm looking forward to: Baby shower with awesome cake!!!! Maternity Pics!!!!!
What I'm not looking forward to: Getting so big I can't shave my legs myself. Does that really happen?
The size of the baby: A rutabaga. I don't even know what that is!...so I looked it up (see below).


Interesting, right? My thoughts exactly...And really doesn't clue me in to how big this baby is. The rutabagas look significantly smaller than the canteloupe from my last update. So I'm not sure what's going on...He's definitely bigger though!

Also, we painted the nursery this weekend! We had two fantastic helpers. Once we get the rest of the furniture in there (we set up the crib on Sunday), I can start the decorating. I cannot wait. I think once the nursery is done, I'll feel more ready even though there's still a ton to do and to get and to learn. It's a process, and we've been making progress...I just can't believe Colton is only 3 months away!

Our supervisor:

Sleeping on the job:

Helping dad:

And the results of helping mom:


I was touching up the trim on Sunday, and the girls were helping me, and all of sudden Boone walks up behind with paint on her chop, chin, nose, lips, and toes. It was the cutest thing. As if she was confessing, "Mom, I was playing in the paint lid, I'm sorry. Will you clean me up now?" I couldn't resist a picture. Brooks got the dark blue paint on her toes on Saturday. For the most part they tiptoed around the plastic we had laid out and avoided all the paint, but as puppies, curiosity got the best of them twice. Otherwise, perfectly content to be where we were and play with their toys. I was impressed, really. Excellent helpers!

I love our girls. They are excited for Colton to get here. They told me.

Paint. Lowes. Valspar. Eggshell Finish. The lighter color (3 walls) is called Mystic Sea (it's like a light teal...we did not want baby blue). The darker color (1 wall) is called Filoli Dark Iris.

We love it!

More nursery updates and a grand finale tour to come as we get things all set up. 

Shout out to my Momma who's making the crib skirt. She's awesome. And it's going to look amazeballs.

Stuffed Zucchini

A recipe blog! Long time, no write, you guys. My apologies! This recipe I discovered a couple months ago, and we LOVE it. Seriously. I kept meaning to blog about it but always forgot to take pictures until this past Monday night!

Stuffed Zucchini
serves 3

3 zucchini
1/2 pound lean ground beef or ground turkey
1 cup dry bread crumbs
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 jar spaghetti sauce
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
Seasoned Salt (we use Lawry's)
Italian Seasoning

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Trim the stems from zucchini and slice lengthwise.

Scoop out the seeds and put them into a bowl.

Mix the insides with meat, garlic, bread crumbs, and parmesan cheese. Add seasoned salt and italian seasoning as desired.

Stuff the zucchini shells with the mixture and place in a sprayed 9x13 inch pan. We always have insides leftover, so what we do at our house is make baby zucchini meatballs that are ready sooner than the stuffed zucchini. Voila! A built-in appetizer! Or you can put them in the fridge for another time.

Pour sauce over the zucchini and cover the pan with foil.

Put the pan of meatballs and the foil-covered zucchini in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

The meatballs should be done at this point--snack away--but the covered zucchini needs to cook an additional 15 minutes or until meat is cooked through (for a total of 45 minutes for the stuffed zucchini).
Remove the foil and cover with Mozzarella cheese. Cook until cheese is melted (we like to broil it to brown the cheese a bit).


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Super tired babies after papa's daycare yesterday. So funny.

Just...can't...make it.

Love my girls.

(They choose to sit in the crate...they love it. We did NOT stuff them in there. We have an open door policy on the crate.)

Monday, October 15, 2012

UFC Fighter

Casey and I decided we have a future UFC Fighter on our hands.

He kicks like it's his job. I saw him kick for the first time on Thursday (October 11). Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I was home with Brooks and Boone (post-puppy surgery) and was just doing some work and looked down to see some little feet or elbows or fists popping out. So crazy! We've been feeling movement for weeks now, but seeing it was just a whole different ball game. I told Casey he must be ready to come out. It's getting to be quite the tight fit in there. I'm okay with him staying in there another 3 months so momma can get herself prepared.

**Brooks is doing exponentially better, by the way. The Lord really watches over my puppies and my heart. Sigh. She's still recovering but she has way more energy and just an extra pep in her step. It's amazing what an open airway can do. I'm just glad both my babies are healthy and happy now.

Here the girls are back together again (by the way, our little peas in a pod do not like being separated), leaning against each other in the truck headed home from Grandma and Papa's house. Brooks is on her way to sleepy town and Boone is about board the train to get there. They are so funny cause they don't want to miss anything, so they just sit up and start to fall asleep sitting up. It's the funniest thing. They really are like little kids.

So funny. So presh. Colton will LOVE them! There will be no practicing of UFC moves with the girls.

Monday, October 8, 2012

"Accents are to a room what sprinkles are to a cupcake."

 Love this. I think it's so true. Thank you, Pier 1, for that email reminder. Decorating is so fun!

And now who doesn't want a delicious cupcake too?


Me with my girls. I was trying to get them to kiss the baby, but I think it's obvious I was luring them with a treat. Cute, nonetheless. Here's my 5 month plus baby bump. Not so baby anymore?

How far along: 24 weeks
Weight: +14 pounds (ew)
Cravings: Pumpkin Crumb Cake (yummmmmm) and McIntosh Apples. Not together. And french fries. But I've only had them a couple times since being pregnant. You should be proud. And baby does need an extra 300 calories a day to grow.So I say it's okay sometimes :)
What I miss: Laying on my tummy. Not to sleep. You know, just because. Like a teenage girl, reading a book with her legs in the air waving back and forth. Yes, I miss that. And a good abdominal stretch. Like when you are laying down or even sitting down and raise your arms above your head and just stretch all out and from side to side. I can't do that anymore. I miss that too.
What I'm looking forward to: Not working? Haha. Staying home with my girls and my boy. Then we'll just need Casey home! More in the near future...decorating the nursery.
What I'm not looking forward to: Glucose test and Rhogam shot.
The size of the baby: Somewhere between a grapefruit and a canteloupe...canteloupes are HUGE! I feel like there's a canteloupe inside me for sure.

Oh and get a load of this vid. This will be our girls with Colton. Love love love.